PPB Foundation Meeting
April 28-29, 2025
Hickory Springs Primitive Baptist Church
Tifton, GA
April 28-29, 2025
Hickory Springs Primitive Baptist Church
Tifton, GA
April 28 and 29 are rapidly approaching! Seems like only yesterday we were at Goshen PB Church for our last Primitive Baptist Foundation Annual Meeting.
Hickory Springs PB Church, near Tifton, GA, will host our 2025 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 29, starting at 9:30 a.m.
Our Foundation Executive Committee will meet Monday, April 28, for discussions with various committees and groups in preparation for the Tuesday meeting.
Brother Darryl Harris, our outstanding Foundation Secretary-Treasurer, mailed meeting notices to churches, pastors, clerks and directors earlier this week.
Some churches have conferences scheduled this weekend or early next week. We’re hoping to get a copy of Brother Darryl’s correspondence to you now in case your church might not have received his messages in time for your conference.
PLEASE SHARE THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION WITH OTHERS AT YOUR CHURCH IN CASE THEY HAVE NOT RECEIVED THE MAILED DOCUMENTS. (I had hoped to get this to you earlier but some medical issues, like COVID, got in the way.)
We urge you to please have your representatives attend the annual meeting. Their involvement in making important decisions, and bringing back valuable information to your members, are both extremely important.
We look forward to seeing you in April.
In Christian Service,
Elwyn Deal, President
PB Foundation